Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Just For A Moment

Just for a moment,
let me lie in your arms.
Just for a moment,
let me feel connected.
Just for a moment,
let it be just us two.
Just for a moment,
let my tears flow.
Just for a moment,
let goodbye wait.
Just for a moment.


  1. Quite beautiful and sad, this one. Nicely done! Keep writing!!!

  2. hi Rebekah ! your poems make me feel calm and pleased . there is a magic silence around your "voice" , that lift me up .
    other day i laughed till my face sarted to hurt and remembered of you .
    thanks for the comment on my blog other day . it is very kind of you .it made me happy .

  3. we all need those moments. how soothing your words...

  4. Rebekah....this made my heart contract if you know what I mean... it says so much in a few words. Oh I so need to get my head around poetry!!

  5. Just to be whole for a moment
