Wednesday, 24 June 2009

I don't know what to title this. It's just a snapshot.

The room felt like it was closing in on me. I ached with the unfamiliar feeling of childbirth and the sounds of other babies arriving into this world crept through the crack in the door. A tear rolled down my husband's face and leapt onto my quivering hand. William was so tiny (4lbs 1oz to be exact).

So much had lead up to this moment. Every twist and turn of my life made me what I am. The joyful and the painful was preparation for the biggest challenge of my life. In this moment all the other things faded away. A hush fell in the room. Time froze. I leaned over and kissed him gently. My words spoken so softly reverberated within me. "Goodbye. I will miss you. I will see you in heaven."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you put this piece of work on I was impressed with this and it has the making of a very moving piece. As a mother I can relate in part. I think its a great idea to put work from the group here it is good to be able to read things I joined!
    see you next week
