Friday, 17 July 2009

5 Minute drawing...

My brother asked me to draw something that represents him. It isn't my forte but I enjoyed the challenge. Here it is. If you want to see it along with the explanation check out Mark's blog oldtapeghost.


  1. drawing not your forte??? well then, i think you did an outstanding job! nicely done!

  2. It's the things that remind you of him.
    Very nice

  3. hi Rebekah !! this is what you do in 5 minutes ?!! i imagine what are going to do when you spend a good hour on a work . you 're good !
    hey , i must to say that i didn't know the other blog , it is very cool too .
    and i read the last post just now , i liked a lot .
    see you !!!

  4. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.

  5. Hey, this is pretty good for a person whose forte isn't drawing. And to be able to do this much in 5 minutes makes it commendable! Good job!
