Austin and Sarah's Poem:
Viewed through the eyes of my heart.
Through crowds it's only you I see.
The warmth of your words spoken to me.
True wonder found in your reflection,
Nestled amidst my imagination.
What was once hidden, now declare,
Above all others, none compare.
Making our sweet pledge from the start,
Viewed through the eyes of my heart.
A promise whispered with delight.
Fears of tomorrow has taken flight.
Awakens the truth from deep within.
Faith, hope and love; a journey to begin.
I breathe in love and breathe out fear.
Holding you close and holding you near.
This abounding love that we impart,
Viewed through the eyes of my heart.
Courageous love bathed in beauty,
Framed in God's truth, our almighty.
You my family, an unbreakable dream.
God breathed affection, in heavens gleam.
By my side, forever appreciated,
The real me, now illuminated.
My life, a canvas, offered for your art,
Viewed through the eyes of my heart.

-- Post From My iPhone
looks lovely! Will be in touch next week should be free on thursdays now, away until the 14th but will mail you as soon as I'm to the sun!!! x